May 4, 2023 4:00:05 PM


Have you heard of the Roatan Reef Guardians? We are extremely proud to introduce you to our 'first-of-its kind' community outreach program to empower the lives of the young women of Roatan.

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Jan 19, 2023 10:26:42 AM

What's the story behind the logo & boat names of Reef Gliders?

It all starts with our matriarch Irma. The Reef Gliders logo is a tribal shark, a blue shark to be specific. It is one of Irma's favorite sharks in fact. Since she has been a lover of the ocean and sharks in particular from a very early age due to her dad being an avid fisherman, free diver and ocean lover himself. The blue shark caught her eye because of its elegance and the fact that female blue sharks have skin three times thicker than the males....... So when Irma decided on her first tattoo it was exactly what she wanted, a tribal blue shark. It was one of our team members (Victor) that pointed out to her that, that should be our logo and we all instantly loved the idea.

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Dec 3, 2022 3:46:44 PM

How do I become a PADI Divemaster?

Am I ready for the Divemaster Course? What's it all about?

Divemaster is undoubtedly the greatest sounding title in diving, I mean, any non-divers will think you’re basically the scuba equivalent of Luke Skywalker. But before you get to skip around the dive centre pretending to be an Aqua Jedi Master, you must complete one of the best experiences any scuba addict could ask for: the PADI Divemaster Course.

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